ANTHONY KIEDIS-SCAR TISSUE: Remember a month back when I re-brought Johnny Cash's amazing autobiography because I was ranting about lending books out and never getting them back? Well, how wrong I was. After asking a good friend of mine for my Anthony Kiedis autobiography back, he went one better then just saying he would. He re-brought the book himself and posted it to me. I didn't mind that he lost it-he could have just said-but instead he graciously replaced my rain soaked (by my own walking fault) paperback out of shape, dog-earred copy for a brand new Bible big hardback. Kiedis frank, unapologetic, beautiful and brutal book sheds Californication sunlight on quite the life and career. From his own success in his 'socks on cocks' adult band, to sharing a bed with Cher in his youth. No, nothing dodgy went on in that case, but through all the women and drugs that did occur, Anthony points an honest finger at himself and poignantly shows us through his word works and lyrics how we dont have to go down the same lesson learned path. By the way of the Pepper frontman you'll see what this rock and roll life is truly about from destruction to redemption. This book has special meaning for me because years ago when I was in a lost place I decided to read my huge pile of unread books starting with this one. Since then I haven't stopped reading or writing since. It's given me quite the career opportunity. That was over half a decade ago. Thank you Colin and thank you Anthony. This is how much it means to me.
AN ORAL/VISUAL HISTORY: From some freaky styles to a band that gave stadiums arcadiums of rock, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are captured perfectly here in photo. Perfectly if you don't mind seeing naked men with only tube socks and logos covering them up that is. Ladies this ones sort of for you and guys, hey it was 1.50 in a local book store. Like Dave Chappelle once said, " who can pass up a sale, I'll break a five for that". From the punk George Clinton beginnings to the Rick Rubin rebirth this band has been through a lot of rocks and rolls and it is all captured here perfectly on camera and by the writing of each band member and associate for some inspired, influential quotes. Even Lawrence Fishburne makes an apperance here in this matrix of words and pictures. As do testaments to former members and greats, including the late, great Hillel Slovak, Janes Addiction's Dave Navarro and THE Chili Pepper guitarist we want back John Frusciante. This behind the scenes, from the source material book is a must for all hot Pepper fans and is alive with the passion of each member and the bands legacy in red color and in hot rhyme. TIM DAVID HARVEY.