HIROSHI SAKURAZAKA-EDGE OF TOMORROW (ALL YOU NEED IS KILL): 'All You Need Is Kill'...or apparantly a name change according to the forthcoming new Tom Cruise summer season blockbuster 'Edge Of Tomorrow' that continues his 'Oblivion' and the mainstream movie markets sci-fi age. From 'Minority Report' to the 'War Of The Worlds' the scientologist has kept it science fiction and alongside Emily Blunt of 'The Adjustment Bureau' futuristic fame he takes the novel idea of Japanese writer Hiroshi Sakurazaka to the IMAX of the biggest screen and stage. Thinking of 'The Adjustment Bureau' and contemporary writers from Japan, Sakurazaka is like a modern day hybrid of sci-fi forefather Phillip K. Dick and leading novel man Haruki Murakami. With his trademark quick reads and a futursistic fable that mirrors ideals of today in a cautionary tale of a war of worlds and technological ones this arms up as something more than just a huge metal suit, video game like exciting escapade. This young writer lights up his idea of the future with something more neon glowing than his hometown of Tokyo. This first person novel takes cues from everything from 'Groundhog Day' to 'Starship Troopers', as our young Japanese soldier (played by 'The Last Samurai' Tom Cruise...yep we know) keeps waking up after dying to the same day and battle. This makes for some excellent writing and the prose of the cons of everything from artillery to immortality. What makes as an inspired idea and intriguing read could translate to scripting one of this years most influential movies...and clocking under 200 pages all you need is an afternoon before you edge this out before tomorrow. Read, finish, repeat. TIM DAVID HARVEY.
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Thursday, 22 May 2014
HIROSHI SAKURAZAKA-EDGE OF TOMORROW (ALL YOU NEED IS KILL): 'All You Need Is Kill'...or apparantly a name change according to the forthcoming new Tom Cruise summer season blockbuster 'Edge Of Tomorrow' that continues his 'Oblivion' and the mainstream movie markets sci-fi age. From 'Minority Report' to the 'War Of The Worlds' the scientologist has kept it science fiction and alongside Emily Blunt of 'The Adjustment Bureau' futuristic fame he takes the novel idea of Japanese writer Hiroshi Sakurazaka to the IMAX of the biggest screen and stage. Thinking of 'The Adjustment Bureau' and contemporary writers from Japan, Sakurazaka is like a modern day hybrid of sci-fi forefather Phillip K. Dick and leading novel man Haruki Murakami. With his trademark quick reads and a futursistic fable that mirrors ideals of today in a cautionary tale of a war of worlds and technological ones this arms up as something more than just a huge metal suit, video game like exciting escapade. This young writer lights up his idea of the future with something more neon glowing than his hometown of Tokyo. This first person novel takes cues from everything from 'Groundhog Day' to 'Starship Troopers', as our young Japanese soldier (played by 'The Last Samurai' Tom Cruise...yep we know) keeps waking up after dying to the same day and battle. This makes for some excellent writing and the prose of the cons of everything from artillery to immortality. What makes as an inspired idea and intriguing read could translate to scripting one of this years most influential movies...and clocking under 200 pages all you need is an afternoon before you edge this out before tomorrow. Read, finish, repeat. TIM DAVID HARVEY.
Friday, 9 May 2014
SUGAR RAY LEONARD-THE BIG FIGHT: "Tim I hope you gain something from my mistakes and accomplishments in my life and career!" That's amazingly what the great Sugar Ray Leonard said to me on Twitter in reply when I tweeted that I was reading his autobiography. What a legend indeed and what a read. Inspiring, insightful, heartfelt and honest I certainly did learn something from the ropes to the belt and just like Ali's 'Soul Of A Butterfly' was moved to inspiration by this prose that floated like a butterfly and stung in lessons learned like a son of a bee. A basketball fan by nature, boxing isn't my first love when it comes to sport but it makes for an oddly nurturing read in the knock down and get back up themes and elements of these life stories that play out better than 'Rocky'. I could use all the 'pull no punches', 'knockout' cliches I'd desire but this champs book is exactly the motivator you need in your corner when the lights go out.
SHANIA TWAIN-FROM THIS MOMENT ON: Man I'm feeling this woman! It's not just me and my best friend who without shame admit to being fans of this singer...albeit to my girfriends amazement and amusement. There's also legions of men attending the country diamond singers Las Vegas residency for their wedding anniversary...actually dragging their wives along! I may not be singing 'Man I Feel Like A Woman' every Friday, but I do love her beautiful ballads from 'You've Got A Way', 'You're Still The One, 'Forever, Always' and the title of this amazing autobiography 'From This Moment On'. From the darkness of depression, divorce, atrocious abuse and disheartened disregard this woman has been through a lot of black eyes and blue tears, but she's come out of it all smiling and singing feel-good songs of fun that fuse together pop and country until they fix platinum plaques on the walls of her house she built. With a deeply poignant and powerful read-just like those who read the lyrics of the album tracks-there's so much more to this woman than the looks and the big budget videos. When you read all about who she really is THAT will impress you much.
CORMAC McCARTHY-NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: From 'All The Pretty Horses' to 'The Counsellor' todays legendary author Cormac McCarthy has laid the script work for some of Hollywood's best pictures today. Just call him a country and western Phillip K. Dick, showing the real America in the heart of all it's chapter and verse. His standout and our first tour with him has to be 'No Country For Old Men'. The film that gave the Coen Brothers their best classic and introduced the world to the acting spurs of Josh Brolin and the perfectly psychotic mad world of villain Javier Bardem stuns you to the core like a cattle gun. A film that the weathered and worn cop work of amazing actor Tommy Lee Jones was born to play this story leaps off the pages to your senses before it makes the screens. There's not a lot wrote today that could best this story. Tense, powerful, gripping and entertaining you don't need motion pictures to catch your wonder. Just these well wrote words. Cormac really is the man. There will always be room for him in this country. TIM DAVID HARVEY.
CORMAC McCARTHY-NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN: From 'All The Pretty Horses' to 'The Counsellor' todays legendary author Cormac McCarthy has laid the script work for some of Hollywood's best pictures today. Just call him a country and western Phillip K. Dick, showing the real America in the heart of all it's chapter and verse. His standout and our first tour with him has to be 'No Country For Old Men'. The film that gave the Coen Brothers their best classic and introduced the world to the acting spurs of Josh Brolin and the perfectly psychotic mad world of villain Javier Bardem stuns you to the core like a cattle gun. A film that the weathered and worn cop work of amazing actor Tommy Lee Jones was born to play this story leaps off the pages to your senses before it makes the screens. There's not a lot wrote today that could best this story. Tense, powerful, gripping and entertaining you don't need motion pictures to catch your wonder. Just these well wrote words. Cormac really is the man. There will always be room for him in this country. TIM DAVID HARVEY.
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