JURASSIC PARK: There's something in the cups of water. Boom...BOOM! Can you see the vibrations? Maybe the powers trying to come back on? Nope Jeff, you "must read faster" because its the
'Jurassic Park' novel. Before Speilberg's self-dubbed 'Jaws 2', classic film of the golden 90's era and this generations childhood and all their vivid imagination dreams came the book by the late, great Michael Crichton. The creator of medical dominating drama
'E.R.' and the sequel to this franchise
'The Lost World'. If you thought quite possibly the greatest and most imaginative blockbuster film of all-time was epic then wait until you read this 400 page
'Jurassic World' of even more dinosaurs and soon to be extinct park-goers. Deeper, darker, dynamically different and with even more chaos, from the pictured set pieces to Ian Malcolm's slapped on a lunch-box trademark theories, after second thoughts you'll want to invest in this book. As a kid who collected dinosaur models like Ross from
'Friends' and whose greatest Christmas was when he found a T-Rex on his bed (no, not a real one, he wouldn't be able to fold the sheets (thanks mum and dad)) it isn't an overstatement when I say the Jurassic Park movie was one of the best things to happen to my youth, but it'd be nothing without Crichton and his book. Oh and I loved
'E.R.' too, it was my teenage life (even tried to write a screenplay for it), so thank you Mike. Now let's take it back to the time books ruled the earth.
STAR WARS-RETURN OF THE JEDI (SCREENPLAY): As I mentioned I've wanted (and still do) to write screenplays and like any movie fan as you can see here, instead of writing one I'm writing about them for any excuse to stay as close to the world as possible. Still from the late great Syd Field and many mores guides to actual screenplays of my personal favourite movies like 'Collateral' and 'Dog Day Afternoon' I've been studying like this was all coursework...it kind of is. This weekend however I picked up the screenplays of screenplays and the 'Star Wars' film of all 'Star Wars' films. As epic, amazing, great and gripping as the final part of the original trilogy itself this is a far more exciting read than a routine novelization. To see it all in black and white before it hit the screens and without any other directors cuts or edits is truly remarkable and an aspiring writers inspirational and educational experience. Thank you George Lucas. TIM DAVID HARVEY.
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